Rwenzori Development Foundation
Supporting and enabling self-reliant rural communities in south-western Uganda through empowering education and conservation programmes.

Set up in 1993, and registered with the Charity Commission in 2000 (Charity Number: 1082294), the RDF is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom have substantial experience in the charity sector. We aim to ensure that 100% of the money donated goes direct to our project work in Uganda as the Trustees cover all administration and running costs through their own monthly donations.
Why Uganda?
After independence in 1962 Ugandans suffered under the military dictatorship of Idi Amin in the 1970s followed by the return of Milton Obote. During this period half a million people were killed in state-sponsored violence. The economic cost of the civil wars left the once prosperous country heavily indebted and bankrupt. To add to Uganda's woes, the 1980s saw the devastating emergence of HIV and AIDS which at the height of the epidemic affected more than a third of the population.
15 years on Uganda is now relatively stable and the capital Kampala a modern bustling city. Under the leadership of President Yoweri Museveni, the rate of HIV infection has been reduced making Uganda one of Africa's success stories. The social and economic costs have been high. AIDS has orphaned more than two million children. Agriculture the country's main source of income has been hard hit by labour shortages due to death and illness.The economy is heavily reliant on donor money. Uganda has received some debt relief, however a crippling amount remains which continues to divert crucial resources away from health and education. Despite extreme difficulties Ugandans appear to weather these trials with admirable fortitude.
In Uganda, we work alongside a network of partners to respond directly to the needs of the communities in which we work. We currently have two main programme areas; Conservation and Education. You can read more about our programmes and projects, as well as how to get involved and donate, by clicking on the links above.

The Rwenzori mountains
The Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the 'The Mountains of the Moon', are a site of world-renowned aesthetic and scientific value. Such is the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of this area that in 1994 it was made a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).The Rwenzori Mountains are also home to the Bakonjo and Baamba peoples who are the traditional custodians of the mountains, and whose lives and livelihoods are inexorably linked to the area. In recent years the Rwenzori Mountains have been affected by rebel activity which sadly led to the park being closed and the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) placing the area on its list of World Heritage sites in danger. However the park is once again open to the public and July 2004 it was taken off the danger list owing to the increased security situation.We support community organisations in and around the Rwenzori Mountain National Park and Kabarole District.

Please visit our project pages to learn about what we do!